1 : to go over in the mind repeatedly and often casually or slowly
2 : to chew repeatedly for an extended period.
Intransitive verb definition is
1 : to chew again what has been chewed slightly and swallowed : chew the cud
2 : to engage in contemplation

This page will be a little different from now on. I will be posting WEEKLY scriptures for us all to RUMINATE over. Think upon, Ponder, to chew on it. We as Christ Followers are called to Read, LISTEN, AND APPLY the Word to our lives. I desire to give an opportunity to you for personal growth along with me. Take what you read here and meditate upon it and find ways to apply it to your everyday life. I invite you to leave your comments, corrections, concerns, whatever they may be I want to hear from you!!!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Trust in the Lord!

I bet many of you are expecting me to pull the whole Proverbs 3:5 verse out and expand on it today!  Well..... I thought about it but maybe next week!  :o)  Man I don't even know where to begin on this one.  There are so many things in our lives that are unpredictable.  The more we try and control what goes on in our lives it seems everything falls apart all the more.  Or is that just me?  I have found it pretty easy my entire life to not really worry to much about the uncontrollable, but let me tell you in the last few years I have discovered a greater place to put my trust.  I have always had faith in my life, so I have always had the security of God keeping me afloat!  However not always have I fully placed my trust in God.  I am discovering now more than ever how important it is.  When I realize that God has the master plan, He knows exactly what every situation that I am going through will turn out like.  When I come to Him and seek His guidance I am able to walk through even the most difficult times in peace and confidence in Him!  Jeremiah 17:7 says:  "Blessed is the person who trusts the LORD. The LORD will be his confidence." When I read this verse and let it penetrate into my heart and mind I am overwhelmed with complete relief of seeing what will happen when my trust is placed in the Lord.  This is a promise from the Lord to us, that we will be blessed when we put our trust in Him, and He will be our confidence.  Now what does that promise mean though?  What does it mean that the Lord will be our confidence?  Well to me I personally think of it like this.  That my complete trust is placed in the Lord, whether I am facing a financial crisis, a job situation, a conflict with another person, a health issue, or just going through a dark valley in life.  Despite our circumstances we are called to place our complete trust in the Lord.  He wants us to run to Him with every situation and circumstance that is to big for us, so He can come alongside us and be the loving God that He is.  So when I can come with whatever is weighing down my heart, and place my full trust in God believing that He will work out every single little detail to His glory, and what is best for me.  He has my best interest in mind, in the midst of our difficulties we do not ever see how going through a painful season is what is best for us but when we look back on those times, that is usually when we have a breakthrough with God, or grow even stronger in our relationship with Him and our faith increases.  So by placing our Trust in God, taking it step by step and fully believing in who He is we can boldly walk in confidence no matter what our situation may be, because we know without a doubt that God is working.  We can rest in Him and put our mind at ease and be confident in our trustworthy Lord to lead and guide us.  
 I remember this summer when we were in Guatemala there was a 25 foot waterfall our group was all jumping from then a larger 35 foot one.  I am not one that really gets kicks out of jumping from high places, it just kinda scares me.  However it looked like so much fun and it was really hot and I just walked right out on the larger of the 2 jumping place and jumped off the 35 foot fall!  It was great, it wasn't so bad at all!  As you can see in the pic below there is proof that I did it!! However I know for a fact that if I had never been with a group of people, and saw others doing it I wouldn't have done it at all!  I got confidence from others around me and seeing that they were ok when they did it.  Seeing someone do a dive off this was kind of the last confidence builder that I needed to get me to jump.   When we put our trust in God, He goes with us and surrounds us with words, people, and things that will continue to build our confidence and give us the strength to do the scary things, the tough things, and what sometimes seems like the impossible things.  We can endure any situation with our confidence being the Lord!

This week I want to encourage you to come to God, give Him that area in your life that is pressing down on you.  The area that is weighing you down and causing you to worry or stress.  He wants to work in your life and He is just waiting for you to release it and invite Him to work.  He longs to reveal His plan to you and lead you though your valley!  It is a promise He has given us that Blessed is the person who trusts the LORD. The LORD will be his confidence. We can face the day with confidence and strength because we are walking and trusting in the Lord!!   That is the key right there... to face the DAY, it is a day by day journey continually trusting in the Lord today.  Don't worry about yesterday or tomorrow just walk with the Lord today trusting completely in Him!