I remember this summer when we were in Guatemala there was a 25 foot waterfall our group was all jumping from then a larger 35 foot one. I am not one that really gets kicks out of jumping from high places, it just kinda scares me. However it looked like so much fun and it was really hot and I just walked right out on the larger of the 2 jumping place and jumped off the 35 foot fall! It was great, it wasn't so bad at all! As you can see in the pic below there is proof that I did it!! However I know for a fact that if I had never been with a group of people, and saw others doing it I wouldn't have done it at all! I got confidence from others around me and seeing that they were ok when they did it. Seeing someone do a dive off this was kind of the last confidence builder that I needed to get me to jump. When we put our trust in God, He goes with us and surrounds us with words, people, and things that will continue to build our confidence and give us the strength to do the scary things, the tough things, and what sometimes seems like the impossible things. We can endure any situation with our confidence being the Lord!

This week I want to encourage you to come to God, give Him that area in your life that is pressing down on you. The area that is weighing you down and causing you to worry or stress. He wants to work in your life and He is just waiting for you to release it and invite Him to work. He longs to reveal His plan to you and lead you though your valley! It is a promise He has given us that Blessed is the person who trusts the LORD. The LORD will be his confidence. We can face the day with confidence and strength because we are walking and trusting in the Lord!! That is the key right there... to face the DAY, it is a day by day journey continually trusting in the Lord today. Don't worry about yesterday or tomorrow just walk with the Lord today trusting completely in Him!