I have to admit I have been quite content in where I've been recently with the Lord and haven't allowed Him to truly prune me. When I recognized the fruit that was being produced and actually causing me to not really grow more I immediately insisted God prune me. It is so important to continue to grow because if you aren't growing you're dying. I don't want to be a Christ-Follower that is dying. I want to be one that is constantly living by faith and seeing God move in my life and the lives of others in amazing ways!! It can only come by submitting to Him and recognizing that we are in His garden. He has totally shown Himself faithful in this time also and giving me awesome opportunities to see Him work and increased my faith on so many levels. These past few weeks have been nothing short of amazing and I am completely blown away with some opportunities He's given me and I've walked away completely humbled and knowing at that moment God is smiling upon me!! Such an amazing feeling!
This week I want to challenge you to find some time alone with God and invite Him to prune you. It will be a bit painful but I can promise in the end when you rid yourself of the things holding you back in your relationship with Him it will bring you so much more Joy, Peace, and life! Recognize that you're here to glorify Him and do His work. You are to bear fruit and that fruit is suppose to be Godly fruit. Look at your live and see if you're even bearing any fruit, ask God to show you the fruit you're producing and then ask Him to lead you into a deeper relationship with Him so you can bear more Godly fruit!