However I am only running because I feel like it is something the Lord has asked me to do. I enjoy running and have always wanted to run a marathon so I am working towards a goal I have had for a few years now. God has truly been teaching me a lot throughout this whole running process though. He has caused me to discipline myself in ways I have never done before, waking up at 4:30 to run by 5, adding new things to my diet to be more healthy and energized, and most importantly I am only able to continue on with HIS STRENGTH! Matthew 24:13 says: "But the one who endures to the end will be saved." I have learned so much about myself and God during these last 2 runs. I am so weak, physically, mentally, and even spiritually. God constantly has to come to my side and empower me to continue on. I truly must ENDURE. Endure means: to remain firm under suffering or misfortune without yielding. 2: to undergo (as a hardship) especially without giving in.
We must daily endure through many things the world throws at us. Sometimes it isn't easy and quite difficult but that is why its called enduring. When you endure something it usually isn't an easy thing to do. God allows situations to come our way that we will have to endure through. It is in those moments that we must recognize there is absolutely no way we can make it on our own and we must rely on God for Him to bring us through. When we realize that the most growth comes from going through something hard or challenging it should encourage us when we are faced with difficult times. It's an opportunity for our faith to grow in God, for us to completely rely on Him and see the impossible happen, and when we have endured to the end we can look back confidently and know we were only able to make it by the Grace, and strength of God. Daily we must come to Him and receive His strength, we must pursue Him and His ways. We are not meant to live and face this world alone, when we do we grow tired, stressed, overwhelmed, and reach a burnout point. We are called to endure to the end but we can only endure to the end by surrendering in the beginning to God and His will.
This week reflect upon the areas that are most difficult for you. Figure out if you are simply moving in your own strength or if you are accessing the awesome power of God. He's ready and waiting for you to come to Him and allow Him to be your everything. Then you will be able to Endure through anything and be saved by His love, grace, and amazing mercy.