1 : to go over in the mind repeatedly and often casually or slowly
2 : to chew repeatedly for an extended period.
Intransitive verb definition is
1 : to chew again what has been chewed slightly and swallowed : chew the cud
2 : to engage in contemplation

This page will be a little different from now on. I will be posting WEEKLY scriptures for us all to RUMINATE over. Think upon, Ponder, to chew on it. We as Christ Followers are called to Read, LISTEN, AND APPLY the Word to our lives. I desire to give an opportunity to you for personal growth along with me. Take what you read here and meditate upon it and find ways to apply it to your everyday life. I invite you to leave your comments, corrections, concerns, whatever they may be I want to hear from you!!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Last week we celebrated Easter, Resurrection Day!! Isaiah gives such a great depiction of who Jesus was, and the torment He went through for each of us. We must not forget that EVER, each day we must remind ourselves of that awesome gift that was given to us by God. It is my desire that we look at ourselves today. That we look at the things that we are still living in, struggling with, and fighting even though Jesus came to take those sins away. We will be looking at our old nature and discovering what our New Nature is!
Ephesians 4:21-24 says:
21 Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him, 22 throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. 23 Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. 24 Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.
What we have heard about God and Him sending His son is absolute truth. What this is basically saying is that we must be changed by knowing God. It is His desire that when we come into relationship with Him that we turn from our sin and walk in the new life He has for us. It isn't always an easy thing to do, sometimes we find ourselves stuck in addiction, depression, our lives must be dedicated to God in all areas. There are so many things that grab onto us and prevent us from being the people God created us to be. However that is not God's desire, He sent Jesus to free us from these sins that hold us captive!! When we allow the Spirit to lead us and guide us our whole life begins to change. The Spirit will renew our thoughts and attitudes, that is so encouraging to me! Knowing all I have to do is invite the Spirit in and He does all the work! It isn't something we can do on our own. WE NEED GOD to work on our behalf! So many times I have tried to walk in my "New Nature" but haven't allowed the Spirit to guide me in it. Let me tell you in your own power you will always fail. That is why God had to send His Son. Living in Jesus is the only way to live in our new nature. God created us to be righteous and holy, the only way we can be that is to define ourselves in Christ. Find our identity in Him, rely completely upon Him to meet our every need.

I don't want to unpack these verses to much because I want you to wrestle through it. Take time this week and pray asking God to reveal the characteristics in your life that you haven't let go of. The areas you know aren't reflecting God's glory. Ask for Him to walk you through those areas into the New Nature that He has planned for you. He'll be faithful if you give Him the time and are willing to part ways with your sinful nature and walk in His glorious light!