1 : to go over in the mind repeatedly and often casually or slowly
2 : to chew repeatedly for an extended period.
Intransitive verb definition is
1 : to chew again what has been chewed slightly and swallowed : chew the cud
2 : to engage in contemplation

This page will be a little different from now on. I will be posting WEEKLY scriptures for us all to RUMINATE over. Think upon, Ponder, to chew on it. We as Christ Followers are called to Read, LISTEN, AND APPLY the Word to our lives. I desire to give an opportunity to you for personal growth along with me. Take what you read here and meditate upon it and find ways to apply it to your everyday life. I invite you to leave your comments, corrections, concerns, whatever they may be I want to hear from you!!!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

A Living Sacrifice

There are always a few times out of the year that I like to sit back and reflect upon ME!  Take a little inventory of who I am, what I am doing.  I enjoy these times for the most part but then there are times where I feel that I am not measuring up in all areas of my life.  I like to ask questions to myself like most people usually at the days end as I'm laying in bed thinking.... Did I have a productive day?  Did I represent God well today?  Did I honor God in all I did?  Was He the center of my attention and affection?  Unfortunately more times than not I fail in a lot of these areas.  I am a selfish person, I have negative thoughts towards people, and desire to work apart from others a lot of time (including God).  I have to make a deliberate decision to invite God into what I am doing, and ask Him for His insight.  It is frustrating to day after day struggle with the same thing of offering myself fully to the Lord.  However I know that if I was perfect at this everyday I wouldn't need God or I wouldn't come to Him as often throughout my day.  I was created for the relationship and a relationship demands reliance upon another.  I have been struck these last few days with the thought of being a living sacrifice for the Lord.  Letting all I do sing praise to Him, and reflect His beauty and love at all times.  Romans 12:1 says "And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all He has done for you.  Let them be a living and holy sacrifice--the kind He will find acceptable.  This is truly the way to worship Him."  This is what we must do, we must daily present ourselves to God as a sacrifice.  It is our response to His amazing unfailing love.  God desires for us to be a living testimony of who He is.  He has worked in all of our lives and we all have opportunity daily to show the results of that work in us.  Whether He has rescued us from addictions, attitudes, lifestyles, whatever it is the way we present ourselves, talk, act will all reflect our hearts of worship.  This is a challenging verse for me, it takes me to a place where I have to confront myself.  Check myself and my motives.  Am I genuinely being nice to people I meet or work with because it is an overflow of God's love in me or is it because I want something from them.  Do I sacrifice areas of my life for God.  For example do I take time daily to spend time with Him, hearing Him speak to me in my prayer time.  Or speak to me through the word, do I meditate on the bible.  Do I make myself available for Him to use in different situations, constantly turning to Him and asking Lord what would you have me do in this moment?  Again I wish I could say that every time I am perfectly following, listening, understanding, and seeking Him but I'm not.  There are always areas of my life that God does not find acceptable and even though I see these areas I mustn't focus on those areas because it will cause me to continually drift apart from Him.  I must realize that I am in the process of sanctification and it is just that; a process.  Something that doesn't happen right away or even over night but slowly over time I am working towards the fully transformed me!  God doesn't ask us to be perfect, He just asks us to come to Him, and invite Him into our daily lives.  We must look at all we do as an act of worship and not only do it but do it well.  We should desire to please the Lord and take delight in the activities that He has placed for us to do each day and look for what He may have for us in those.  He always has more than we can see in these times, and sometimes the simplest, and what we think are meaningless tasks are sometimes the most profound and intimate times with the Lord.

This week I want to challenge you to just think about what you are doing.  Try and offer whatever activity that you are doing to the Lord.  Let it become a time of worship, for you to connect one on one with Him.  Take time to just be alone with Him so He can speak to you, lead you and tell you how much He desires time with you.  And remember it isn't that we have to do this is is an opportunity for us to thank God for all He has done for us.  We should want to worship Him, not because of Him blessing us and giving us all these things, but because of who He is.  He is God, the Creator of all we see, and Lord over everything and He truly deserves all that we have to give Him and more.  The least we can do is offer our lives and all we do to Him as a thank you offering!  Be blessed this week as you discover ways to worship the Lord in great and small ways!  There is no perfect way to worship all that matters is that your hearts desire is to glorify the Lord!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

God Is working

I was reminded about a week ago about my favorite book that I read quite often.  Philippians is such a great book and I love reading to just remind myself of all the exciting challenging ways Paul tells us to live our lives.  I find it easy to lose sight of God in my life due to the junk the world is throwing at me constantly.  When I take my eyes off God and focus on the world I can easily be taken down to a place I don't desire to be.  I can get sucked into depression from the place the world is heading, I can be encouraged to live a life of sin which to the world doesn't even seem all that bad.  I am reminded when I read this letter to the Philippians what I am to be as a believer in Jesus Christ.  It is packed full of how to live as a citizen of heaven, how to have the attitude of Christ, how to press on towards the goal, even a picture of Paul's life for Christ and that keeps me inspired to think wow, do I have that drive, passion, love for Christ like Paul did?  And if not then why and how do I get it!  "For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him." Phil. 2:13  This verse is what has been speaking to me the last week.  Another thing I often do in my life is try and live life on my own.  This verse states that God is working in me, giving me the desire to please Him.  I never really thought of that before, I mean I'm sure I have a little bit but lets stop and think about this.  The desire I have to do good, to please God isn't my own desire, it is the desire of God placed inside me!  How awesome is that!?  It is His desire that has now become my desire and isn't that the goal of us as humans to desire the things of God.  He makes it happen in me and then gives me the power to do it, all I have to do is receive the desire, and use the power given to me.  That is what I want my life to be, a life worthy of the gospel and a desire to please only Him.  I don't want to go about my days concerned with what other people expect of me because the only thing that really matters is what God expects of me.  His will is what I must follow and His desires are what I want my desires to be.  There are so many times in my life where I have engaged in so many different things, not because I felt God leading me to do so but because it was a good thing to do.  I don't want that.  I want what I do to matter and if God hasn't called me to do it, asked me to join Him in doing it then I don't want to do it.  I want to be about my Father's business and join Him in how He wants to use me in the world to make His name known.  That is my hearts desire and I don't want anything else.  So this verse encourages me knowing that God is working in me, I must trust in Him and seek His will above all so that I can do what He desires! 

I challenge you this week to take a look at what you are doing.  Why are you doing what you are doing?  Is it simply because no body else will do it?  Is it because your heart comes alive and God's love pours through you when you do it?  If God hasn't placed it on your heart to do, even though it could be a good thing I would challenge you to take it before the Lord and ask Him if you should really be doing it.  There are so many things we can invest our precious time into and then there are a million other things that can rob us from actually doing what we are actually gifted and designed to do.  Seek God's heart for your life today, let Him lead you into what pleases Him most.  What He created you to do and engage in is the best thing for you to do.  Discover that and watch God move in your life like never before! 

Friday, October 12, 2012


As I sit here thinking upon the Lord and His presence I am overwhelmed with the fact that there is absolutely nowhere that I can go to get away from Him.  I often forget to remember that when I am being tempted and walking into sin.  However even in those moments when I don't acknowledge that God is still with me doesn't mean He has left me.  It is easy for me to recognize God all around me when I walk around outside and see the beauty of the ocean, the amazing mountains early in the morning with dew on the trees and the sun filled sky!  There are colors that absolutely breathtaking and I can't help but stand there in awe of God.  However I do find it difficult to pick those things out when I've had a bad day, or a fight with a friend or a loved one.  Again it doesn't change the fact that they are there, I am just choosing to ignore the splendor of them because I am stuck on myself and not interested in seeing anything else but myself.  Psalm 139:7 "I can never escape from your Spirit!  I can never get away from your presence!"  This is a great reminder to me today.  David goes on to describe all the possible places that he can think of to go and still there God is waiting for Him.  What a great revelation!  If only I could take this section of scripture and really truly live it out.  My life would be so much better for sure!  There are certain people in my life that when I am with them I just enjoy things so much more.  This is how I want my life with God to be ALWAYS, sure I have my moments where I'm positive that I am in the presence of God, and I feel it and it just makes me feel so much better.  Recognizing the presence of God is something that I am not always actively doing, I get caught up in my own things and forget.  It is a work in progress for sure, the more we begin to recognize him deliberately the more naturally it will come to us.  It is just like anything we have to teach ourselves how to do it and then after continually doing it we learn and finally can do it without much thought.  I had an awesome example today as I watched a mom teach her child how to ride a bike.  I kept observing the mother pushing the child and holding onto the back of the seat to stabilize the bike and allow the child to keep balance.  However there came a point where in order to truly teach the child she had to let go.  She had to build his confidence up and then slowly remove her hand.  It took a few attempts but in a matter of minutes the child was riding the bike with the mom simply standing there smiling and cheering the child on.  I know for a fact that this child will be practicing this new found "talent" and before long he won't even remember the feeling of not being able to ride because it is just so simple!  This is what we must do in our lives with God.  Teach ourselves to recognize His presence, acknowledge Him in all we do and simply appreciate the fact that He truly doesn't ever leave us.  When we are faced with temptation all we have to do is turn to Him, and remember He is right there with us waiting for us to call upon Him.  

This week I want to challenge you to take some time each day and just reflect upon God.  Go for a short walk and take in the colors of the turning seasons.  Feel the breeze upon your face and take a deep breath of that fresh air, and then think about how God designed you.  The ability to see, breath, feel, think, taste, hear, all our senses are designed by Him for our pleasure.  We are truly wonderfully made, read all of Psalm 139 and meditate upon it as you become more and more aware of His presence in your life.  There is absolutely nowhere you can turn to flee from Him.  What a great comfort that is for us to know we are never alone and we always have God to share in the beautiful moments of life and in the struggles.  Be aware, recognize, and acknowledge Him in all things!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

What's your gift?!

As I'm sitting here trying to collect my thoughts on what to write exactly I can't help but think about PEOPLE!  How unique we all are in our lives.  I mean we are all unique in so many ways, physically, mentally, emotionally in everything!  However different we all are we all have common desires and needs.  I know there have been times in my life where I haven't really felt "up to par" with those around me.  Feeling inadequate and of no use to the task at hand or people around me.  I'm sure everyone has had a few moments in their life like this.  For me it frequently occurred in school when teams were being picked for sports.  I wasn't ever one of the first ones picked.  Then it was with my grades, never did I feel I had the ability to get straight A's, I was happy if I could get C's!!  However there seemed to be other things that I could do without much thought, I could talk!  When I got older and began working in construction it seemed like whatever I needed to do I could do after a little explanation was given.  Painting quickly became a great job that I stuck with and got quite good at.  I didn't have to really think about it, I enjoyed it and I was great at it!  I was able to paint whole buildings and houses in a matter of a few weeks with little or no help from others because I could just rock and roll on it!  1 Peter 4:10 says "God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts.  Use them well to serve one another." No matter what you may think, God has given you gifts and talents.  They may come in the form of anything from sports, to cooking, to the job you do, working with children, being hospitable, being generous, kind, joyful.  You could be a gifted writer, artist, scientist, teacher, gardener.  The list can literally go on forever!  This is a promise that we have from the Lord that He does gift us all in some way with the intention that we will bless others with it.  This verse is a great reminder to me.  That all that I am able to do, I am to use these gifts to serve others.  How do I go about serving others with my gifts?  Well first I need to discover and acknowledge my gifts.  Then I must decide how I can use those gifts to serve others.  It isn't that difficult, all I have to do is find out what I like to do, what I'm good at and then in turn bless others with that!  So many times in my life I have found myself focused more on the things I can't do then the things I can do.  I get so bugged down and upset that I'm not able to do this thing as well as other people.  However I know that there are things in me that I can do better than others.  It is a matter of identifying those and putting my time and energy into those areas of my life and serving others in it!  

I want to challenge you this week to take some time and make a list of the gifts God has given you.  Maybe you will need to take time to pray and dig a little deeper than you thought but I guarantee that you will find something and more than likely multiple things that you are gifted in.  Then I would encourage you to take that gift and serve others with it.  It can be just a small little something but the feeling you will get from blessing someone with something that comes so easily to you is incredible!  Someone may be so grateful and all you'd be thinking is WOW that wasn't really anything for me!  It will bring a smile to your face, other peoples faces, and most importantly the face of the Lord!  Go do some inventory of yourself and discover ways you can help and serve those around you this week!  May the Lord bless you all in your serving of one another!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Nothing is Impossible!!

This week has been a great week for me.... I'm not sure why but I am just excited to give you this rumination for the week!  I am continually reminded in my life DAILY that I have limits.  There are things that happen that are totally out of my control and I alone can't fix them.  Sometimes this fact overwhelms me and it sometimes even upsets me.  Being a person that likes to do things by myself and fix things it makes things difficult at times.  We are always faced with things that are to big for us to handle by ourselves.  I was reminded this during this last week.  I have a mind that can go crazy and dream up these amazing elaborate things that I want to do.  Desires and dreams that when spoken to people some would say THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE!  YOU CAN'T DO THAT!  YOU'LL NEVER MAKE IT!  IT WON'T HAPPEN! YOU ARE CRAZY FOR EVEN THINKING THAT!  COME BACK TO EARTH AND WAKE UP YOU WEIRDO!  People around us can have some of the most encouraging things to say to us when we come up with these magnificent dreams and desires! It has always been like this for me, some people standing behind me and supporting me and others shooting down my dreams because they don't see any possible way of attaining them!  One verse that I love to cling to and I was reminded of this week when i had a crazy dream and desire was Mark 10:27 "Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God.” I find it so cool that Jesus He spoke into this specific area of our lives.  He is revealing to us that there are things in our lives that we will face that it is impossible for us to do.  We can't do everything on our own, however there is a way that we can do ALL THINGS and that is with God.  He makes the impossible possible for us!  God is ready and willing to help us in any and all situation.  He wants us to dream big and step out with our complete faith in Him.  I have seen so many people thinking that situations are hopeless and that nothing more can be done and God pulls through for them.  It is a matter of just coming to Him with all of our needs and desires and dreams.  He wants us to be successful, and to be healthy and happy.  All we have to do is fully believe in God that nothing is impossible for Him.  He can move in each and every situation.  

I want to challenge you this week to dream with God!  A quote that I have in my living room says " You never know what God can do with what you have until you bring it to Him."  or "All you have is all God needs to do something Great."  He wants us to dream about doing great things, He wants to lead us into those great times and moments.  He has a plan and a destiny for each of us and it all involves us doing the thing that will bring us the absolute most joy and Him the greatest glory.  There isn't anything that will limit God.  Think about that, is there anything in your life that you want out of your life but you can't seem to figure out how to remove it?  Ask God, He'll help you!  Is there something that you desire to do but don't see how to do it?  ASK GOD and join Him in accomplishing that desire!  Dream big, and don't let anything stop you, because WITH GOD EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Trust in the Lord!

I bet many of you are expecting me to pull the whole Proverbs 3:5 verse out and expand on it today!  Well..... I thought about it but maybe next week!  :o)  Man I don't even know where to begin on this one.  There are so many things in our lives that are unpredictable.  The more we try and control what goes on in our lives it seems everything falls apart all the more.  Or is that just me?  I have found it pretty easy my entire life to not really worry to much about the uncontrollable, but let me tell you in the last few years I have discovered a greater place to put my trust.  I have always had faith in my life, so I have always had the security of God keeping me afloat!  However not always have I fully placed my trust in God.  I am discovering now more than ever how important it is.  When I realize that God has the master plan, He knows exactly what every situation that I am going through will turn out like.  When I come to Him and seek His guidance I am able to walk through even the most difficult times in peace and confidence in Him!  Jeremiah 17:7 says:  "Blessed is the person who trusts the LORD. The LORD will be his confidence." When I read this verse and let it penetrate into my heart and mind I am overwhelmed with complete relief of seeing what will happen when my trust is placed in the Lord.  This is a promise from the Lord to us, that we will be blessed when we put our trust in Him, and He will be our confidence.  Now what does that promise mean though?  What does it mean that the Lord will be our confidence?  Well to me I personally think of it like this.  That my complete trust is placed in the Lord, whether I am facing a financial crisis, a job situation, a conflict with another person, a health issue, or just going through a dark valley in life.  Despite our circumstances we are called to place our complete trust in the Lord.  He wants us to run to Him with every situation and circumstance that is to big for us, so He can come alongside us and be the loving God that He is.  So when I can come with whatever is weighing down my heart, and place my full trust in God believing that He will work out every single little detail to His glory, and what is best for me.  He has my best interest in mind, in the midst of our difficulties we do not ever see how going through a painful season is what is best for us but when we look back on those times, that is usually when we have a breakthrough with God, or grow even stronger in our relationship with Him and our faith increases.  So by placing our Trust in God, taking it step by step and fully believing in who He is we can boldly walk in confidence no matter what our situation may be, because we know without a doubt that God is working.  We can rest in Him and put our mind at ease and be confident in our trustworthy Lord to lead and guide us.  
 I remember this summer when we were in Guatemala there was a 25 foot waterfall our group was all jumping from then a larger 35 foot one.  I am not one that really gets kicks out of jumping from high places, it just kinda scares me.  However it looked like so much fun and it was really hot and I just walked right out on the larger of the 2 jumping place and jumped off the 35 foot fall!  It was great, it wasn't so bad at all!  As you can see in the pic below there is proof that I did it!! However I know for a fact that if I had never been with a group of people, and saw others doing it I wouldn't have done it at all!  I got confidence from others around me and seeing that they were ok when they did it.  Seeing someone do a dive off this was kind of the last confidence builder that I needed to get me to jump.   When we put our trust in God, He goes with us and surrounds us with words, people, and things that will continue to build our confidence and give us the strength to do the scary things, the tough things, and what sometimes seems like the impossible things.  We can endure any situation with our confidence being the Lord!

This week I want to encourage you to come to God, give Him that area in your life that is pressing down on you.  The area that is weighing you down and causing you to worry or stress.  He wants to work in your life and He is just waiting for you to release it and invite Him to work.  He longs to reveal His plan to you and lead you though your valley!  It is a promise He has given us that Blessed is the person who trusts the LORD. The LORD will be his confidence. We can face the day with confidence and strength because we are walking and trusting in the Lord!!   That is the key right there... to face the DAY, it is a day by day journey continually trusting in the Lord today.  Don't worry about yesterday or tomorrow just walk with the Lord today trusting completely in Him! 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The goodness of God

Sorry this didn't get posted last week.  I was off island on vacation in St. Thomas and then St. John!!  This time away really got me thinking and really opened my eyes up a bit.  Lately it seems like every thing I read or notice and talk about revolves around my life of holiness.  What I am expected to do, how I am to live my life not simply as a missionary but as a Christian.  Yes I admit being a missionary I know people look at my life and compare theirs to mine....Is that right? Who knows.  However as a Christian we are called to a higher standard of living.  God gives us direct commands on how to live and when we live those out we are pursuing God the way He intended us to do.  This verse has been really speaking to me for the last week and I just thought it was a great one to pass along!  But be sure to fear the Lord and serve Him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things He has done for you. 1 Sam. 12:24 What a great verse in my mind!  It seems to cover all areas of our life if you think of it!  We must be sure to FEAR the Lord... In a high reverence and respect kind of fear.  We aren't to shudder in fear when we think of the Lord but much like a child recognizes the difference between right and wrong and thinks through the consequences of doing wrong.  I know there has been times in my life that I chose not to do something because I didn't want to hurt my parents, or bring shame upon them.  I respected what they would say or think about my actions and that out weighed my desire to do whatever I wanted to do.  That is how we should fear God, we should care so much about what He thinks about us, that we don't want to hurt Him, disappoint Him, or represent Him in a wrong way.  We should honor Him with all we do and say.  By doing this we are able to serve Him faithfully; now we are all human and we all are tempted.  We can't live perfectly faithful lives all the time.  That is why Christ came!!  However we must do our best to faithfully serve Him, we must seek to please Him and follow His commandments to us!  With our whole heart we are to serve the Lord.  A cool picture I got on this is the fact that the heart pumps blood to our entire body, if the heart stops our life stops!  So if we can serve the Lord with our whole heart then our entire body will be serving the Lord.  Our thoughts, our actions, our words everything will be faithfully serving Him!  

Let me tell you this last part of this scripture is so awesome.  Many times I take for granted all the things God has done for me.  I know for a fact that I don't always even realize what He has done for me.  Taking time to think upon where I have come to over the years is incredible.  To think of His faithfulness, provision, grace, mercy, love, compassion, wisdom, comfort in my life blows me away!  It immediately takes me to a place of worship when I can come before Him and thank Him for all He has done.  I know for a fact that I would not be anywhere without Him working and moving in my life on a daily basis.  All I can do is thank Him that He got a hold of my heart and has been transforming me into the man I am becoming.

This week I just want you to take some time think upon where you are right now.  Think about all the bad things that you may have thought you'd never get through but know that those times helped mold and shape you into who you are today.  The fact that God is able to turn around all our bad situations for good is so amazing.  Think about the way God has been there for you.  Think about all the good He has done in your life and thank Him for it.  None of us could be where we are today without God moving in our lives.  He has blessed us all in such unique ways some obvious and some not so obvious but I just want you to spend some time to think about His goodness in your life and make adjustments today to live more faithfully to Him!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Don't Look Back

There are so many moments in my life that I am definitely NOT proud of.  Decisions I made that compromised my integrity, went against my beliefs, hurt friends, brought heartache, and ultimately caused me to be outright disobedient to God.  Not fully obeying is total disobedience!  Either you are completely in the right or you are wrong.  It is no different with sin, you are either sinning or you aren't there is no in between middle ground where you can sin halfway and be safe!  I was reading today in 1 Samuel and its funny how the Israelites are just like us.  They have their ups and their downs, moments of obedience and moments of disobedience.  However I like the words that Samuel speaks to Israel in his farewell address from being the leader of Israel and instating a king like the people requested.  "Don't be afraid," Samuel reassured them.  "you have certainly done wrong, but make sure now that you worship the Lord with all your heart, and don't turn your back on Him."  Although the Israelites did wrong, by asking for a king to lead them instead of the Lord, God forgave them and gave them this commandment.  Don't be afraid, although we all have made decisions in our life that have left us afraid of the consequences, we have a loving caring God to look up to help us through those times.  We ALWAYS have the opportunity to turn from our old ways.  Our bad habits, addictions, laziness, rudeness, anger, bad stewardship habits.  No matter what the situation we always have to opportunity to turn to God and not follow through in the way our flesh may desire to do.  We must remember that although we may sometimes live the rest of our lives with scars from past sins or situations we don't have to let those define who we are.  God is able to restore all the lost time, put back together the pieces of our broken life, and make us new!  It is our duty to turn towards God, to truly surrender to Him with all we are.  To worship Him alone with our whole heart, and not turn back towards our old life and sins.  When we are truly worshiping God with our whole heart we don't have time to get caught up in the mess of the world.  We don't have time to spend our days doing the things that mean nothing to us because God will be the one that means the most.  Our lives will be so consumed by Him that our focus will become in a sense so concentrated on Him and His will that all we will be able to see are the opportunities that will draw us closer to Him.  We will be concerned for others more than ourselves, we will be honest in our lifestyles, and begin to see our old fleshly habits fade in the presence of God!  It is up to us to draw near and give our full heart to God.  He is ready and waiting already all we have to do it turn towards Him and not look back at what used to be.  God is not concerned about your past mistakes, He is looking at joining you today to help you be the best you can be tomorrow!

This week take some time and just ask God to cover your past mistakes.  Whatever they may be, there is nothing that He can't cover with His forgiveness and love.  For me I know there have been times where I was the one holding myself back because I couldn't forgive and forget about the things I have done.  Don't waste time, if God says it is finished and it is forgiven IT IS!!  ACCEPT IT and move on ahead with Him.  Don't be afraid to walk daily with God, sometimes it may not be clear where He is leading you but He has the perfect plan and will not lead you into anything that He doesn't see as the absolute best for you!  Take His hand this week, let Him lead you and join Him in what He wants to do IN and THROUGH YOU this week!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

In God's Hands

Yesterday I was meditating on Joshua 9:25 it says: "We are now in your hands. Do to us whatever seems good and right to you" What a great verse I find this to be.  I sat there and I prayed Lord, let this be my response to you each and every day.  That I may be in your hands fully believing and trusting that YOU alone will care for me.  That YOU will provide for me, be my joy, be my strength.  

We as Christ followers must have this attitude and response to God.  That we come to Him and fully release all control of ourselves over to Him.  He is the maker of us, He has a plan and a purpose for each and every one of us and the sooner we surrender to His will the more amazing our life becomes.  I will be honest and say it is terrifying at times to take that blind step of faith and completely release all control....However there is nothing better that we can do than to entrust the creator of the world with our life.  He designed us, He knows us better than we know ourselves.  He will take care of us and He will do just as this verse says, He will do whatever seems good and right to us.  Now I must add also that just because it says GOOD and RIGHT doesn't mean that we will never face hardship, or hurt, or difficulties in our lives.  I look back upon my brief years and see that the times that I remember the most as pivotal points in my life are those times that follow extreme difficulty, sometimes even pain and suffering.  God will use whatever means necessary to get our attention because sometimes we don't fully surrender to Him.  Sometimes we say Lord you can have this area of my life but I'm going to keep this area.  That isn't how God works though, He demands full surrender, complete devotion and He won't give up until He has it ALL.  We must remember however that even in the midst of the most difficult times God is still in control and He is behind the scenes working everything out for His perfect plan.  We simply need to keep our focus on Him and not our situation.  

This week I want to challenge you to pray this prayer to God.  Tell Him that you are in His hands and to do whatever He sees good and right.  Ask Him to open your eyes, heart, and mind to Him and His plans for your life.  May you discover new things about the Lord this week.  I pray that you would grow a little closer to him through your faith and through trusting Him.  He does have a plan and He has it all for the purpose of making you the most joyful, happy, and satisfied person if you'd only look to Him and let Him be God and you be you.  Take the steps you need to this week to fully surrender to Him and His hands will not let you fall!