1 : to go over in the mind repeatedly and often casually or slowly
2 : to chew repeatedly for an extended period.
Intransitive verb definition is
1 : to chew again what has been chewed slightly and swallowed : chew the cud
2 : to engage in contemplation

This page will be a little different from now on. I will be posting WEEKLY scriptures for us all to RUMINATE over. Think upon, Ponder, to chew on it. We as Christ Followers are called to Read, LISTEN, AND APPLY the Word to our lives. I desire to give an opportunity to you for personal growth along with me. Take what you read here and meditate upon it and find ways to apply it to your everyday life. I invite you to leave your comments, corrections, concerns, whatever they may be I want to hear from you!!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Oh boy, so I started a school called DTS Equip on May 11. It has been a good week, we started the 6 week school with basic foundations of what it means to be a Disciple, and finding our Identity in Christ, and a Bible overview. It was a long week with having to sit through hours of teaching, but the teachings were great!!! I really enjoyed it. I have been extremely busy with the school and trying to do my normal work also. Yesterday we had a church picnic at Buck Island. Which is a national park island just off of St. Croix. We had about 100-130 people out there and it was INCREDIBLE!!!! I was so busy meeting people I had seen in church but never talked to all day long. I didn't even go swimming actually I just chilled on the beach all day talking. I was so excited because since I have been here people have been asking me about surfing and if I have gone out here yet and I always have to say no. Everyone kept telling me I needed to meet BEN!! So of course I would say who's Ben, can you introduce me to him at church and they'd say oh he doesn't go to church here anymore. And that was all I'd get from everyone, YOU HAVE TO MEET BEN!!! But nobody would tell me who he was or where I could meet him and yesterday I FINALLY MET BEN!!! So I'm hoping that I can get out at some point to surf with Ben. THEN I was talking with a woman and she gave me the greatest compliment ever. I was loading the boat getting ready to leave and she said, TJ you look like you know boats well. (She just formally met me that morning) I was like REALLY??? That's funny because I grew up in Montana and don't know a thing about these. Then she said well you could have fooled me, you look like a natural sailor!!! I was like well I have gone sailing a few times and I absolutely LOVE it!!! Then she proceeded to tell me that her and her husband have a 31 foot sailboat and they'll take me out on it! I was so stoked!! I talked with them both again today at church and they both said it again so I'm hoping that I get to go out at least at some point. I am also thinking about taking a scuba diving certification class, since almost all of my friends here dive and from what I've heard St. Croix is one of the top rated diving spots in the world I think it would be foolish not to!! I'm thinking after my visit home in June I'll take the class! Anyways that's what's on my mind right now, I guess I should be a good student and read what I need to read for class.