I had a very good time of devotions the other day. I am currently going through my bible searching for all the verses that have the word BELIEVE in it. There are a lot!! I got stuck on one verse a few days ago that still hasn't released my attention! It is such a powerful verse that I can't help but share it with all of you!
2 Corinthians 5:14 "Either way, Christ's love controls us. Since we believe that Christ died for all, we also believe that we have all died to our old life." Now I don't know about you but when I read this TONS of things entered my mind. The fact that Christ's love controls me? Do I allow that to happen each and every moment of every day? Since I believe Christ died for all have I put my old life to death? What would my life look like if I did allow Christ's love to control me? I think it would be absolutely amazing I can't lie. I think of the times that I have truly felt like Christ was leading me into something and although I may not have wanted to do it at the time still by being faithful and obedient and following through with it I grew in such great ways! To have Christ's love completely control me would mean for me one thing.....to surrender ALL OF ME! To give up all my wants, all my desires, all my thoughts, my words, my actions, and every piece of me and allowing Jesus to do with me as He pleases.... Hmmm sounds quite familiar to the teachings of Jesus and how God desires a person to love Him with all his hear, soul, strength, and mind. Sounds like complete surrender and devotion! A disciple of Christ must move past themselves and look for only one thing; the will of Christ. When we allow Jesus to rule in every area of our lives we are no longer living a boring life of selfishness. We are living for a purpose continually seeking how to best glorify Him. Our old way of life becomes less and less appealing. As He controls us our old nature dies. We are actually living this verse out, putting to death our old life! It can only come from surrendering all we are to Christ. The moment we don't surrender we are saying to Him that we don't want Him to control, that we still want this part of who we are and sorry Jesus you just can't have that yet.
This verse has spoken so deeply to me because this is where I want to be. I want to be in a place were I can surrender all I am. My time, my money, my comforts, my body, my actions, thoughts all of me must come into submission to Jesus so that I can live the new life of freedom in Him. That I can proclaim His name above all else!
This week I challenge you to meditate, ponder, think over this verse. Are there areas in your life that need to come into submission to Christ? Are you still living in some of your old lifestyles that you know Jesus has freed you from? Take time, seek God and allow Him to speak into the areas of your life that you have not yet allowed Him to control. God desires a heart that is surrendered to Him. Not halfway but completely! Jesus didn't just die for half our sins He died for them all! We can't halfheartedly serve God and think we are doing good. He desires we love Him and serve Him with all we are so that He can shine through us in any area of our life!