This week has been such an awesome blessing! God has continually shown me His love and blessings in so many ways! Last week we looked at what it meant to endure, this week I want to look at a section of scripture that has been on my mind all week long! Like the title states, God is quite aware of you, or US! He knows everything about us, what we're going to do, what we've done, EVERYTHING about us! God is our creator and there are so many places we could look that reveals His awareness of us. I can think of so many but my favorite one comes from
Matthew 6:30-34 And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith? “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today." God created everything that we see, He is in control of all we see. There is nothing that happens that He doesn't know about, nothing. It is impossible for anything to happen without God first allowing it to happen! What comfort and peace that brings to me. I just sit here and think about all I've gone through, all that has happened in the world and to know that God is in control of all that makes it all well. Even though there are many things that don't make sense about why certain things happen I know that He sees it all and His will is constantly being done.
So when I read these verses and picture myself sitting among the crowd of people that day on that mountain top listening to Jesus speak I am truly comforted. The words of Jesus penetrate my heart and cause me to ask myself, why would I worry about anything ever when the God I serve is watching over me and taking care of me? The only is because it is human nature to want to be in control of everything. We desire control of our lives, and all we are. When one thing happens that we can't control it freaks us out and we have to fix the situation. That is not what Jesus is saying here, He is saying these thoughts are thoughts of those that don't have a relationship with God. That the ones that have no faith fear because they don't know the security of God's love.
Jesus tells us to "SEEK THE KINGDOM OF GOD ABOVE ALL ELSE." and He will give us all we need. When we truly submit to God and allow His will to be done every day in our lives we will be to busy doing His will to even care about our needs. He'll reveal Himself more and more, each day and continue to provide over and above our needs. It is a day to day lifestyle that we must have. The only confidence that we can have is that God is in control. Do we recognize that all we have is a gift from God? That the food we eat is provided by His hand. He is the one that gave us the ability to work our jobs, to receive our money, have our houses, and things. All we are and have is from Him, and if He decided to take it all away He could.
I have had times in my life where I've had amazing blessings and abundance, then there have been times where I have literally had to skip a meal to save money. I don't want to say that I am a master of this trust that Jesus is talking about here but I have learned how to live it out in my life. I am forced through what God has called me to do to live a life of faith. Having to place my faith in Him that He will meet my needs each month through the support of others. I make absolutely not money doing what I am doing. I pay to live where I live, I pay to do the work I do, and I have to pay my bills, I support 2 missionaries that I have worked with, and have enough to feed myself. God is the only way I can do what I do. There is no doubt in my mind that every cent I receive comes from Him. I have had months where I have received $180 and I've had months where I've received over $2,000. In each instance I thank God for what He provides and know that He is watching over me. Then there are moments like last Saturday when I was flying that I was handed a free pizza when I was hungry but not wanting to spend the little money I had. I love the moments when God just shows up in such an awesome way. I think all to many times I am surprised by God's working in my life and I wonder why am I surprised? I must continually trust that He is looking out for me and taking care of me and when those moments come I should worship Him for the awesome God He is.
This week take time to reflect upon all you have. The good, the bad, and the in between. Thank God for all He's blessed you with and then look at your day to day activities. Are you living with the Kingdom of Heaven above all? Are you placing God first in all areas of your life? Are you confident that no matter what happens God is in control? Are you faithfully trusting Him for all your needs? If there is any question you answered no to pray and ask God to increase your faith in Him and begin to make the changes necessary in your walk with Him.